Jackson finally had his sleep study. He has sleep apnea and asthma- so he will be getting his adenoids and tonsils removed, along with asthma treatments daily. He has always been super tired- and Riley doctors believe it is b/c he doesn't get enough good, deep sleep due to his body having to work so hard to breathe at night. Hopefully the surgery helps. We have to do another sleep study after the surgery. The sleep studies are performed at Riley. Nothing hurts him- just very scary and annoying. Jackson did a great job! We pretended that he was in Star Wars with all the cords attached to him. He really got into it! He kept asking if he had more power yet!! Too sweet! He looked so pathetic!! I slept next to him, well, tried to. I hated the thing in his nose- he wanted to suck his thumb and put his tag from his blankie by his nose but the cords were in the way. He was very upset about that! Then in the middle of the night- he woke and was frightened- and yelled at me saying that this wasn't Star Wars and that I was lying!! OHHH I felt so horrible!! But he stuck it out and the techs got a good reading. So at 5 AM we were woke up and they started taking all the cords and tape off of him. That was the worst part- b/c Jack was sooo exhausted, irritable, and the tape hurt. So anyways, we find out the results in 7-10 days. Hopefully we get more answers and can plan the surgery this summer! Pray for Jackson!! He was so brave- but still has a lot more to go through!