For real this time- Here is Haverstick Pete Spear (a.k.a. Petey)! He is a miniature schnauzer born on April 15th! We are really excited! The kids are having a hoot with him. No accidents yet! And a full night's rest last night! WOOHOO! Schnauzers are hypo-allergenic- so Michael is doing fine w/ him. It also reminds Michael of his brother that passed away in '00. Michael's brother, David, had a mini schnauzer named Petey. So this pup brings back a lot of great memories for Michael. :) Grace is a lil' mother, Jackson has a new playmate, I have a snuggle buddy, and Michael has memories! So this one's it for the Spear's! He is a new part of our family and we are totally committed to making this one work!!! Can't wait for you all to meet our new lil' man!
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