Yesterday I came home and got the mail. The top envelope as addressed to me, from the Marion County Prosecutor. My heart dropped, I knew it had to do with my student that had been raped. I have been subpoenaed to court on March 15
th! So scary. I just can't believe that my sweet student, Katie, has to deal with all of this. It really freaks me out that, I turned her journal entry into authorities, and from that- her brother is now looking at 60 years in prison. Poor Katie, today she had to go talk about his plea
bargain. I really encouraged her not to take the plea. He would only get 20 yrs and by that time, she would be grown and possibly married w/ children. I just think that him coming out would rock her world and scare her. I also encouraged her to not take the plea, so that she can testify. I know, I know...why would anyone want a child to have to testify. But I really think it would be closure for her and give her the power back. She has been hiding this dirty secret for so many years, she has been scared to tell anyone, her mom
blamed her for lying, he took her virginity, he took her
innocence, he caused his family pain, he broke up their family, and I could go on and on. I told Katie that now is her time, her time, to tell the truth, in front of him- and then, no one would believe she was lying! Also, she would be able to make him own this- face to face. I really hopes she chooses to testify. That creep deserves to be humiliated in court. I don't want him to get off easy. We will see tomorrow, which she chose.
Now- to me. I can't believe that I will have to testify! When I walk into that courtroom and see that creep, I hope I can control my anger. What a filthy, dirty man. I might just throw up all over him! Wow! Court date is for March 15
th. I will let you know how it goes. Just pray.
Oh- tomorrow is Parent/Teacher Conferences. We will see how many parents actually show up. Hopefully, they are all pleasant and don't get nasty w/ me like last time. Last time, I mom went off on me. The next day I found out she beat her son (my student) with her high heel shoe b/c of his grades!